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New remote NHS tech risks ‘two-tier’ health system

The quick but necessary digital revolution of the NHS during COVID-19 might be too fast for some p...

Testing tech evolution ‘can diagnose future viruses’

The question of when and how to test those infected with COVID-19 has become of paramount importan...

UK FinTech WorldRemit adopts Onfido’s face-scanning tech

UK FinTech WorldRemit has partnered with identity verification and authentication company Onfido. ...

Why COVID-19 crisis can elicit positive change

Nothing like this has ever happened before. This is an era of instability, fear, loss and confusio...

Can people engage in money laundering via online slots gaming?

The vast majority of global citizens live and work within the same kind of broad system – what we ...

Workplace mental health firm expands with app and VR support

Manchester-based mental health organisation TalkOut is significantly expanding its support for the U...

Zoho MD: Adapting and maintaining company culture during lockdown

Remote working has become a new reality for millions during the COVID-19 crisis. Organisations an...

Social Chain Group eyes $220m turnover, makes biggest acquisition

Social media agency Social Chain AG is set to complete its largest acquisition to date as it prepa...

Are brick & mortar casinos likely to go extinct in next 20 years?

Casinos are amongst the most decadent and grand places on earth in the 21st Century, bastions of wea...

How to produce a hit podcast during lockdown

When documentary film-maker and journalist Louis Theroux found himself stuck at home during the lo...

Doctorlink’s userbase ‘almost quadruples’ in six months

A leading HealthTech platform helping to triage and redirect GP appointments is preparing for furt...

Trust your staff to promote good mental health

There has perhaps never been a more important time to reflect on how we’re doing [given the COVI...

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