Revolut UK has announced the appointment of Fiona Fry and Sir Peter Estlin to its board. The no...
RiskSmart, a Manchester-based RegTech scaleup, has announced the addition of Derek Steele and Jennif...
Birmingham-based Love Finance has formed a new board of directors. The FCA-authorised credit br...
A Berlin-headquartered FinTech has launched in the UK with the opening of a London office. bunch,...
A legend of the North West corporate finance world has announced his retirement. Norman Molyneux,...
Danny Simpson has announced he will step down from his role as CEO of MID Group and MID Communicatio...
Liz Upton, co-founder of Raspberry Pi, has been appointed chair of robotics software company BOW. ...
A B Corp certified digital transformation and bespoke AI solutions business headquartered in Manches...
Monzo has hinted at a public listing with the appointment of a new group CFO. The London-based di...
Palatine Private Equity has boosted its buyout team in Manchester with the appointment of Nauman Lod...
RWS Holdings plc, a provider of technology-enabled language, content and intellectual property servi...
Board Intelligence, a board management software and board advisory provider, has appointed two Silic...