Know Someone, a Leeds-based tech startup aiming to revolutionise the recruitment sector, says it has...
Technology moves at great speed and new regulation often follows - which is why it is essential for ...
Harriet has raised £1.2 million to transform human resources with artificial intelligence. The A...
Freelancer platform Revolancer has surpassed 120,000 active users from across the world. The pl...
In today's fast-paced business environment, traditional HR practices are evolving at an unprecedente...
Leeds firms Fruition IT and Fruition Consulting have secured private equity backing for further grow...
Bristol’s Cloud8 has been acquired. Southampton company Benefex has snapped up the entire produ...
Freelance staffing platform YoungOnes is expanding its UK operations into a second city after it hit...
Recruitment and human resources are, by definition, areas of business which are focused on people. ...
One in 10 children in the world are involved in child labour - an astonishing 160 million of them. ...
Welcome to the opening episode of our new podcast series Launchpad, brought to you in associatio...
What are the secrets of sustainable growth? Founders must decide how much equity to give away, ac...