
Brands Must Start To “Get Personal”

Businesses who use a scattergun approach to marketing are set to lose out to those who harness...

Youth To Have Voice On Education Technology

Young people will be given the chance to voice their ideas about how technology can suppor...

Technology Could Save UK Billions Of Pounds

The UK could save 24 billion pounds by 2020 through a more efficient use of technology wit...

Cryptolocker: The New Nightmare Virus

An online criminal operation running one of the most aggressive computer viruses ever seen...

Fewer Cash Transactions Taking Place Than Ever Before

A steep rise in the number of online sales and contactless card payments has led to fewer ...

14 Years In The Transformative Digital World

3:00pm 30th May 2014 Digital agency, Zone, has just been ranked first in the UK's onl...

Internet Training Would Cut Pensioner Loneliness

Training more older people to use the internet would cut loneliness among the over-65s, a ...

Microsoft Ordered To Release Data Held In Irish Server

A US judge has ordered Microsoft to hand over a customer's emails - even though the data i...

Google Adds Time Travel To Its Street View

Google is adding archived images to its Street View image library, so that users can step ...

Tech Firms Urge Web Users To Change Passwords

Internet users are being urged to change all their online passwords after the discovery of...

Government Launches Cyber Emergence Response Team

The government has finally launched its Computer Emergency Response Team, aimed at buildin...

Illegal Websites To Have Advertising Opportunities Cut

Websites offering illegal copyrighted material could see their advertising revenue slashed...

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