The Business Growth Hub today launches GREATer Manchester Mentoring - a steering group loo...
Vista, a provider of IT and tech support services to the likes of Odeon Cinemas and Pets a...
Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham wants younger generations to mentor their elders in ...
The co-founder of event search engine and comparison site TickX says that advances in arti...
Artificial intelligence needs a human touch if it is to change our lives for the better, a...
Investors are starting to move up North to take advantage of the region’s untapped asse...
Energy procurement technology firm Energi Mine has 'appointed' an artificial intelligence ...
Tapping into FinTech innovation happening outside of the capital will result in better co...
Pub quiz technology firm KwizzBit has appointed a new non-executive director to its growin...
VC firms invest in NHS prescriptions app Echo Echo, which allows patients to order ...
There is a debate raging across America. Donald Trump’s Federal Communications Comm...
Cars that know who is driving by detecting whose hands are on the wheel sounds like the st...