You've started up a tech business and are ready to source the talent to make it flourish. But in whi...
A North West pilot which has helped hundreds of SME manufacturers access technology and digital tool...
A new app for divorced parents with children has launched. Lawyer-free online divorce service a...
Today, people are talking more and more about cloud-native apps and cloud-native development. But wh...
Tech entrepreneur Piers Linney has joined a campaign to improve diversity in the tech sector as "ine...
Mental health and wellness platform Discova – formerly known as Myndr – is one of 20 finalists...
An IT managed support company has hit £1m turnover for the first time in its 21st year. MysonP... will face legal action unless it repays over £1 million to customers it committed to...
Uptime – a free app that presents expertly curated five-minute Knowledge Hacks of the world’s...
A Lancashire company that converts paper documents into digital files has hit £1m turnover and is t...
Nearshore software engineering partner Godel Technologies has reported a 30% year-on-year increase i...
Revenues at Manchester-based impact software business Culture Shift have more than doubled despite t...