One of the North West’s most respected dealmakers has opened up about his stage four cancer diagnosis.

Andy Thomas, who is a partner at YFM Equity Partners, is undergoing chemotherapy but was able to join work colleagues at the weekend to take part in the Vitality 10k race in aid of The Christie Charity in Manchester.

Thomas is responsible for sourcing new investments across the North West market and also manages YFM’s investment in Protein Works, E2E and Biorelate.

Last month the 42-year-old was told he had stage four cancer and shared the news on social media.

Thomas, who has previously worked at Maven Capital Partners, opened up about his cancer battle to BusinessCloud.

He was first diagnosed with a rare type of cancer – known as olfactory neuroblastoma – in 2017 after he began suffering with the symptoms of what he thought was a heavy cold.

“When I first got it I’d actually had it for ages and not realised,” he said. “I’d been suffering from what I thought was a cold, and then thought was sinusitis, and then chronic sinusitis – when actually it was a large tumour that had been blocking my naval cavity.

“We all get so wrapped up in how we busy we are and self medicate because we haven’t got time to go to the doctors – or at least that’s what I did.

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“I’m not saying it would have made any difference to me, but honestly those emails and video calls can probably wait a few hours while you get properly checked out.

“Olfactory neuroblastoma is actually quite a rare form of cancer – there are 20-30 cases in the UK each year – so you’re literally more likely to get struck by lightning than catch this thing!

“I first got it back in 2017, and I’ve had several major surgeries as well as radio and chemo since then as it spread into my lymph nodes.

“Each time it was thought to have been curable and that I’d been free of it after each occurrence, but this latest time it’s spread to multiple places, unfortunately.

“Hopefully the chemo will help to give me more time – fingers crossed. I’m getting loads of support, including from YFM, who’ve been very good, so I’m well looked after and very fortunate.”

Thomas praised his colleagues and the work of The Christie.

“I can say from first-hand experience what an amazing place this is, but it needs help to be able to deliver the great work it does,” he said.

To mark YFM’s 42nd anniversary,  his employers are aiming to raise £42,000 for The Christie.

Donations can be made via YFM’s JustGiving page

Senior figures from the corporate finance and professional services world have sent messages of support to the popular Thomas.

Chris Green, commercial banking director at Metro Bank, said: “I still don’t know why bad things happen to good people. I think your actions here are truly inspiring and I wish you only good luck with the fundraising but obviously your treatment too.”

David Kendrick, CEO and corporate finance partner at UHY Hacker Young, said: “Keep strong and fighting mate.”

Rob Pailin, CEO at Total Processing, said: “You’re a great bloke and one of life’s good guys.”

Richard Perkins, head of partnerships at HY Solicitors, said: “Terrible news but it’s awe-inspiring that you’re facing it head-on and doing something positive.”

Michelle Mullany, head of deal origination at MHA, said: “Thinking of you Andy – no words for stage four but I absolutely take my hat off to be doing fundraising while still having chemo.”

‘I was too busy to get cancer – but diagnosis nearly came too late’