Recent data shows that a staggering 71% of UK professionals are experiencing moderate to high levels of stress. And whilst stress is a normal part of life it’s important to recognise it and respond to it before it has an effect on your mental and physical health. 

To coincide with International Stress Awareness Week 2022 , here are some tips to help you manage stress and alleviate the feeling of helplessness that can be overwhelming. 

Refocus on the things you can control

One way to reduce stress is to focus on the things you can control, rather than what you can’t control. 

People tend to focus on bad news because the brain is wired to spot and try to avoid danger. This means you pay more attention to what’s happening in the world rather than what’s directly affecting you. 

You have more control over your life than you may realise. Start by shifting your focus away from what you can’t control and refocus on the one thing you can control: you. 

Three specific areas where most people say they’d like to make a change but feel unable to are: health, finances, and career. These parts of your life are pivotal and can have a huge impact overall. The key is to take one small step today.

De-stress your health 

As we start to think about 2023, goals like losing weight or stopping smoking will appear on countless New Year’s resolutions lists. But most resolutions fail because the goals are too vague.

If you don’t clearly define what your goal is, you’ll never know when you’ve accomplished it. That uncertainty causes you to feel powerless and unproductive, leaving you stressed and unhappy. 

Instead of simply saying “I want to lose weight”, try a specific goal like “I want to lose five kilograms by 1st July.” The more clearly you can define and quantify your goal, the easier it will be to achieve.  

Use a template to track your progress toward your exercise and nutrition goals. Habit tracking is a powerful tool that many people have used to help them stay focused.

Keep a journal to record the things that cause you stress, and your reactions to them. This can help you identify (and change) stress-inducing patterns that negatively impact your health.

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De-stress your finances

Money worries are extremely common. Even those of us who may earn what are considered good salaries will have money worries as we tend to live lifestyles proportionate to our income. 

Being able to meet your basic needs certainly helps. But beyond that, the key is “the ways in which you are able to direct your income to purposes that are likely to bring you happiness and satisfaction.” 

In other words, having the power to take control and spend your money how you want to. You should track all your spending, so you can decide what matters most and start to make changes that put you back in control. 

Practical tips include creating a budget and setting aside a little extra each month to save or pay off debt. You can also set reminders on your mobile device or digital calendar for paying bills and other money-related tasks you need to complete.

De-stress your career

Whether you’re trying to improve the situation in your current job role or looking for a new job, there can be a sense that you have little or no control over your day-to-day activities. When that happens, it doesn’t matter if you’re searching for a new job or unhappy in your current one, it can feel like you’re trapped.

To manage stress in your existing job, prioritise your daily to-do list with the most important items at the top. Tackling these tasks early in the day creates a sense of accomplishment that makes the day feel progressively easier. Also, track your workplace successes so you can see your wins accumulate. 

Ultimately, recognise that you can take control and reduce stress in your life. Small steps will add up to big wins, and you can use the momentum of those victories to make 2023 a great year with less stress and more success.

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