
Posted on June 16, 2016 by staff

Read the BusinessCloud digital edition for free


The UK’s newest tech magazine is now easier than ever to read after the launch of the inaugural digital edition.

With every one of the 76 inside pages included, the online mag boasts a wealth of fascinating content alongside interactive videos, links and images.

The first edition of the business magazine launched to demystify tech hit the streets on June 1 and caused quite a stir.

The launch attracted a flurry of press coverage with stories appearing in the Manchester Evening News, on Prolific NorthInPublishing and Holdthefrontpage.

It also sparked a wave of Twitter activity, with the quality of the stories and design being widely praised.

Hundreds of people have already subscribed to the magazine – and you can also get a free physical copy every two months!

BusinessCloud has been set up by UKFast co-founder Lawrence Jones and award-winning editor Chris Maguire.

Maguire, 43, was previously editor of North West Business Insider and has been joined at BusinessCloud by deputy editor Jonathan Symcox, who previously worked at the Mirror, Yahoo and Eurosport.

Andrea Wolfendale has joined as events director.

“I’m really excited by working with Lawrence Jones, co-founder and CEO of UKFast. He’s an entrepreneur who I’ve admired for a long time.

“Lawrence is as keen as me to keep BusinessCloud separate to UKFast.

“Technology touches on all aspects of life and business and BusinessCloud reflects that.

“When I was at the North West Business Insider I wanted to make business accessible and interesting to a wider audience and I want to do the same with BusinessCloud about technology.

“It you want to scale a business or grow it globally you need technology.”

Business Cloud is based out of UKFast’s Manchester Campus and is to be distributed nationally. It has a thriving YouTube channel and social media presence.


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