Spotted Zebra has raised £7.7 million in Series A funding to help enterprises tackle the global skills crisis.

The company, which featured on our TalentTech 50 ranking this year, provides a workforce management platform that allows large enterprises to identify skills gaps within their workforces and fill these gaps through hiring, succession planning or reskilling existing employees.

Founded in 2020, it counts a number of FTSE100 companies amongst its growing list of clients.

The funding was led by the pan-European venture capital firm Nauta Capital with participation from Act VC, as well as existing investors Playfair Capital and Entrepreneur First.

Spotted Zebra’s platform enables businesses to reduce their reliance on traditional job requirements and instead match individuals with opportunities based on the best indicator of role success – skills.

Its blend of AI, assessment science and human expertise allows organisations to determine the precise blend of skills required for individual roles and then identify people with those skills. This widens the available talent pool while ensuring that successful candidates deliver higher job performance than via traditional recruitment channels.

Spotted Zebra also helps organisations improve their reskilling programmes by matching vacant roles with employees whose jobs are being downsized. This improves talent retention, employee engagement, and dramatically cuts costs.

“Our core belief is that employees are happier and more productive when their unique skills – their superpowers – are aligned with roles that use and develop these talents,” said Ian Monk, CEO and co-founder of Spotted Zebra.

“Our platform is solving the skills crisis by aligning people with opportunities. We help our clients to quickly find the right candidates when looking externally, and by identifying those individuals most suitable for reskilling or succession when looking internally. And more than that, we’re ensuring that employees go home feeling motivated and energised because their superpowers are being put to good use.”

Conor Mills, principal at Act VC, added: “Spotted Zebra allows large organisations to highlight and validate skill sets and proficiency levels of both their workforce and candidate pools in a way not previously possible. 

“This innovation allows executives and HR teams to make critical talent decisions with speed and confidence across various talent related work streams, delivering exceptional value for their organisations.”

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