
FinTech 50 firm e-bate Limited, a rebate software specialist, has launched a rebate insight generator to help businesses identify opportunities for process improvements.

E-bate automates the entire rebate process throughout the supply chain. The firm, based in Leicestershire, was launched in 2018 by technology entrepreneur Leanne Bonner-Cooke MBE and has grown considerably in the last four years.

The rebate insight generator (RIG) asks for basic information around access, process, audit, technology and analytics, before calculating a score for the business. The score indicates how efficient a firm’s current rebate management process is and offers free advice on how to make improvements. 

Leanne Bonner-Cooke MBE, CEO, e-bate

“Businesses use rebates to enhance deals, improve and grow business relationships and to secure future orders,” said CEO Bonner-Cooke (above). “But when a company has myriad products with minutiae of differences, rebates can become very complex and difficult to process. 

“These complexities and the difficulties that arise in processing even simple rebates are contributing to the loss of millions of pounds every year through miscalculations, missed payments and hundreds of thousands of lost man-hours.”


E-bate’s free rebate insight generator promises to identify areas at risk for a business and provide actionable insights to help. 

By answering 25 simple questions set by the rebate insight generator assessment, a business using rebates when trading as either buyers or suppliers can gain highly valuable information that could save them hundreds of thousands of pounds in potential lost revenue.  

The free service is carried out by a team of rebate specialists in a call lasting no longer than 10-15 minutes, the company says. 

Zayn Mistry, who runs the department, added: “The team uses the technology we’ve developed to assess business risk in minutes. It’s the first of its kind and we hope to help hundreds of businesses with this free service.”

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