
A few months back Rajat Khare’s Boundary Holding made an investment in Remidio Innovative Solutions, a Bangalore-based company run by Anand Sivaraman. Both of these entrepreneurs believe in developing technology for the betterment of humankind.

In a research paper published by The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, it is found that the results received by using the handheld device developed by Remidio Innovation Solutions are similar to that of other regular tabletop Fundus devices or Retinal Imaging Devices.

This brings a fundamental change in the way people are diagnosed with eye-related problems around the world. Reaching out to the rural part of India was always a challenge for many healthcare organizations, due to a lack of mobility with heavy equipment.

There were 4 different devices used in the research with Remidio. Those were Zeiss Visucam, Odoc visocope, Volk InView, and Volk Picture Plus. The Remidio Non-Mydriatic Fundus On Phone (NMFOP) is an infrared, smartphone-based fundus camera. 

The research was carried out by a group of expert Clinicians and their observation was noted down using a 10-point Likert scale.  

Remidio received 100% success in all the tests conducted by the experts. The participants were also asked for their feedback on the comfort of the device. Most of the people liked the quality and were comfortable during the test conducted. 

There was another feedback asked from the examiner’s point of view. In the feedback received by the team, it was observed that Remidio was one of the highest-rated devices in terms of functionality and usability. 

We can see from this comparative research between the handheld and tabletop fundus camera/retinal imaging devices that the quality and reliability of these devices have increased. Remidio being one of the major players in this sector has constantly worked on improving the technology.

In India, there are approximately 250,000 eye surgeries performed in a year. With 15000 ophthalmologists currently working and the requirement for another 125000 persons in the sector shows a huge gap. Remidio’s vision to make eye care devices mobile shows the dedication of the company to solve the problem at the grass root.

The technology developed by Remidio is changing the way people think about eye care services being delivered across the world. With mobility as the major pivot, many services can now be delivered to remote corners of the world.