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Since Bitcoin was introduced to the public by Satoshi Nakamoto, more and more people have become interested and did not hesitate to enter the world of cryptocurrency. Majority of those who gained interest in the field entered with one goal in sight: to earn potential money. While the list of people who earned from crypto trading showed that the industry is indeed profitable, not everyone is guaranteed to follow the same fate. Along with the successful ones, some failed due to various reasons. This led to the question is crypto trading really for – to give you an idea, we’ve compiled the pros and cons of crypto trading to help you decide.

Cryptocurrency trading overview

Cryptocurrency trading has become extremely popular and a hit among millions of individuals and firms worldwide. Perhaps one of the main reasons why people engage in the field is the possibility of earning profit from it. While some were successful, it’s not an assurance that new traders will be successful as well. This is because cryptocurrency trading is not easy to master

Like in every aspect of life, there’s always room for improvement. So whether you are new to crypto trading or an advanced trader who prefers to explore more, you can always enhance your skills and grow. Luckily, you don’t have to face it alone, as there are platforms that connect you with trusted brokers or provide direct services to ensure you trade at the right place and increase the chances of earning profit. As quoted on Bitcoin Motion’s website: “We offer you the unique chance to connect with regulated brokers that offer state-of-the-art software and start investing in some of the most lucrative assets in the crypto market.” In other words, choosing a reliable platform is a must for your successful trading journey.

The truth is that trading in crypto takes a great amount of research, patience, and skills to master or even learn the art of trading. To ensure the best results, you will need excellent analytical and technical skills, such as learning how to read price charts due to the constantly changing and developing market. Most importantly, you need to come up with a definite answer as to why you want to trade, and what better way to tackle that question than knowing the advantages and disadvantages of this industry, right?

Cryptocurrency trading: Pros

When it comes to industries that involve a significant amount of money, privacy and security are very important. Cryptocurrency transactions are anonymous, which got millions of people hooked up – nothing is more important than making sure your information is kept safe. Cryptocurrency is not associated with third-party agents such as banks or the government. Due to this, cryptos have the potential to remain stable in terms of value, even if turmoil is happening in a country.

For newbie crypto traders, the world of trading would be a fresh and unexplored venture. This is why people engage in it because cryptocurrency trading helps improve and enhance abilities to trade and expand their knowledge in cryptocurrency. Plus, crypto transactions are lightning-fast – whether local or international. This is because crypto trading verification requires little time to process.

When it comes to trading, time is indeed special and important. Any type of investment requires time and money to hit the most effective money-making opportunities. Cryptocurrency trading has fast transactions compared to others. Another factor is the expensive trading fees which hinder most people, but that’s not the case with crypto. The Crypto trading starting fee is affordable, and the process is smooth and efficient. To avoid being misled on the fees, always read the terms of platforms you operate with. For the above mentioned Bitcoin Motion – terms are available on the website.

Cryptocurrency trading: Cons

Since crypto transactions are highly secured, it’s hard to trace down any user by their wallet address or data – this allows crypto trading to be used as a mode of payment during many illegal deals such as the dark web or buying drugs. The developers of crypto make it non-hackable, but the bad thing about it is any user who loses their private key to their wallet has no chance of getting it back – it will remain locked away along with the coins inside it.

Cryptocurrencies are known for being decentralised and are controlled only by several creators and organisations. This means these holders can manipulate the coin, putting it at risk for manipulation. While cryptocurrencies are very secure, some platforms don’t seem that secure as most platforms store the wallet data of their user ID correctly – this idea is often stolen by hackers, giving them access to crypto accounts.

While the crypto market values can skyrocket, they can also crash to terrifying lows just as quickly. Cryptocurrency has a highly volatile nature, which means your account’s values are not stable. In addition, cryptocurrency can take a while to get your head around, and investing in something you are not confident of is already a risk. Cryptocurrency trading requires time and skills, so if you can’t dedicate these things, trading in crypto can be difficult.


There has been hype and craze about digital currency in recent years. Since the development of Bitcoin, more and more cryptocurrencies have emerged in the market. The list above contains some of the benefits and drawbacks of cryptocurrency trading, so make sure to check it out and determine if crypto trading is your cup of tea. Keep in mind that the most important thing to do before diving into the world of crypto is to amass the necessary information and skills, so make sure to do some research.