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Time is one of the most valuable resources in any business, especially when you’re working with a remote team. As a remote team leader, you understand the delicate balance between flexibility and accountability. You want to give your team the freedom to work in their own way, but also ensure that they deliver quality results on time. The right time-tracking software can help you achieve this balance by providing not only a means of measuring productivity but also a way of creating structure and purpose for your team. In this article, you’ll learn how to find the best time-tracking software for your remote team that balances with your business goals.

Time Tracking Software In Remote Team Management

Time tracking software is a tool that enables you and your team to record and measure how much time you spend on different tasks, projects, and clients. It can help you manage your work processes, enhance your productivity, and increase your profitability.

Time tracking software can be particularly helpful for remote teams, who work from different locations and have different challenges and opportunities. Some of the advantages of using time-tracking software for remote teams are:

• Reduce distractions, prioritize tasks, and optimize the team’s workflows.

• Improve communication and collaboration by giving visibility into your team’s work hours, activities, and progress.

• Maintain work-life balance by helping you set boundaries, avoid burnout, and celebrate achievements.

• Grow and improve from time data and insights by finding patterns, trends, and areas for improvement.

However, not all time tracking software is suitable for all remote teams. You need to find the best fit for your needs and goals. In the next section, we’ll show you how to do that.

Time-tracking infographic

What to Look for in a Time Tracking Software for Remote Teams

 Remote teams have different needs and challenges than in-office teams. Therefore, when choosing a time-tracking software for your remote team, you need to consider some specific criteria, such as:


One of the factors to consider when selecting a time-tracking software for your remote team is how well it integrates with your existing tools and systems. For example, after you track employee time with Papershift or similar platforms, it should easily integrate with your payroll, accounting, and project management tools. This can save you time and trouble, as well as ensure accuracy and consistency in your data.


The software should provide reports and insights that help you monitor and optimize your remote team’s performance, productivity, and profitability. You should be able to see how much time your team spends on different tasks, projects, and clients, as well as identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement.


The software should be accessible from any device and location, so your remote team can track their time easily and accurately. Mobility is essential for remote teams, who may work from different places, such as homes, co-working spaces, cafés, or client sites. Look for mobile-friendly time-tracking software that allows your remote team to log their hours and activities from anywhere, using their preferred devices, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. 

Geolocation Tools

A geolocation-enabled time tracking software allows your remote team to clock in and out using their GPS location and also record their mileage and travel time. This way, you can ensure that your remote team is working where they are supposed to and reimburse them for their travel expenses.


Compliance is essential for remote teams, who may work under different regulations, such as overtime, breaks, minimum wage, or tax laws. A compliance-focused time tracking software allows your remote team to track their time according to the relevant rules and laws and also notifies you of any violations or errors. This way, you can avoid fines, penalties, and lawsuits.

PTO Management

The software should enable managers to approve or reject PTO requests and track employee absences. PTO management-enabled time tracking software allows your remote team to request and manage their time off online and also view their PTO balances and history. 

Knowledge Base

Look for a time-tracking software that provides a central repository for storing and accessing organizational documents and information. A knowledge base-integrated time tracking software allows your remote team to access all the information they need to perform their tasks, such as policies, procedures, manuals, guides, or FAQs.

How to Compare Different Time-Tracking Software Options

Sometimes, faced with a multitude of options, it can be challenging to select between two or more time-tracking software solutions for your remote team. To ensure you make the best decision, consider the following best practices and tips for effectively comparing different options:

Know your goals and needs

Clarify your purpose and desired outcomes for using time-tracking software. List the key features and functions that your remote team needs to work well. This will help you assess how well the software matches your needs.

Do your research

Conduct thorough research by exploring online reviews, testimonials, ratings, and comparisons of different time-tracking software options. Platforms like software review websites, forums, and social media groups can provide valuable insights and user experiences. Pay attention to feedback from teams similar to yours to get a better understanding of the software’s pros and cons.

Ask for recommendations

Seek recommendations from other remote teams or industry experts with firsthand experience with time-tracking software. Their feedback and suggestions can offer valuable guidance in narrowing down your options and help you make an informed decision.

Request a demo or a free trial

Use the options provided by time-tracking software providers to see a demo or try their software for free. This lets you check the features and functions, see the user interface, and test how the software fits your team’s workflow. During the trial, ask your team members for their opinions to make sure the software suits their needs too.


Your remote team’s productivity, performance, and satisfaction depend greatly on the time-tracking software you choose. If you pick software that your team doesn’t like or use, it can hurt your team’s work and morale. That’s why you should involve your team in the selection process. Ask them what they want and need from a time tracking software. Listen to their opinions and feedback. Make them feel like they are part of the decision. This way, you can increase the chances of using the software successfully and make your remote team happy and productive.