
A HealthTech agency that manages social media on behalf of busy GP practices has signed up its 500th surgery.

Chorley-based Redmoor Health started offering its social media managed service earlier this year to coincide with the launch of its own agency Redmoor Creative.

Founded in 2017, Redmoor Health specialise in supporting health and social care staff to deploy technology but decided to diversify after continually being asked by GP practices for additional training support, marketing and PR help.

One Facebook campaign they ran has been credited with helping increase attendances at breast screening clinics in the Midlands by 13 per cent.

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CEO and founder Marc Schmid, who co-owns the business with his wife Alison,  said: “We’re delighted to have reached such a significant milestone of working with 500 GP practices.

“The primary job of busy GP surgeries is to support patients, it’s not to create communication strategies and website content. That’s why we launched a social media managed service that takes the burden off them and increases public interaction.”

Schmid said the launch of Redmoor Creative earlier this year, under the leadership of agency director Paul Galley, was the catalyst for the new service.

“As we’ve been building relationships with GPs and the NHS we’ve been increasingly asked to provide a lot of other communication support to practices including PR, marketing, branding and website support,” he said.

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“As we’ve come out of the pandemic a light has been shone on the GP practices. People want to know about their services and how they can get access.

“The system itself is struggling to deal with that and their communication people are stretched too thinly.”

Some surgeries just want their Facebook channel managed but others want help with their Instagram, TikTok, content creation and website.

Schmid added: “By using social media effectively you can interact with the public and better signpost patients to the appropriate services, reducing the number of unnecessary visits to surgeries in the process.”

Redmoor has supported North Staffordshire and Stoke CCG for over five years with their social media output.

Schmid said: “A social media campaign we ran helped increase attendances for breast screening in the Midlands by 13 per cent. We have a proven track record. Our team includes people who have worked in busy GP surgeries but we also have considerable expertise in communications, marketing and website design.”

The award-winning company moved to Chorley’s Strawberry Fields Digital Hub last year now employs 27 people. Schmid’s wife Alison is the corporate director.

It is on track to hit £3.7m turnover for the current financial year.