
Posted on November 15, 2018 by staff

York graduates win £25k video game competition


A team of university graduates from York has won a national competition that could help take their video game into the homes of millions of gamers.

Mujo Games took part in government-backed video game development competition Tranzfuser, where graduates compete against each other to win up to £25,000 from the UK Games Fund.

The team won with an abstract rhythm game called Yellow Rock Road, where players take on the role of a time travelling band and tap two buttons to keep in time with the music.

The judges were impressed with the game’s “vibrant art, superb soundtrack and use of players’ own music libraries”.

Lead programmer Joni Levinkind said winning Tranzfuser has opened “so many opportunities for our team”.

“All of our team members have gained a range of skills from game development to management, marketing, and financial planning,” he added.

“We have learnt so much and feel more confident in our ability to succeed as independent developers within the games industry.”

Digital minister Margot James said: “Over the past three years Tranzfuser has been identifying and nurturing the UK’s next top video game developers to turn their original and innovative ideas into reality.

“Mujo Games are worthy winners and I would like to congratulate all the teams who took part this year.”

Over the summer, Tranzfuser gave 17 teams from across the UK £5,000 and gave them just ten weeks to develop their idea for a great game from concept to playable demo.

In September their games were showcased at EGX, the consumer video games show which took place at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham.

Deborah Farley, head of talent and outreach at UK Games Fund, said Tranzfuser has “a life changing impact on our teams”.

“Along with the support of our Local Hubs and UK Games Fund community, we provide our participants with invaluable tools they will carry with them for the rest of their careers,” she added.

“It’s a great test of their abilities to sell not just their projects, but their potential as a sustainable and growing business.”

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