IPG Energy has won a third award in a month after it was included in the BuiltWorlds Building Tech Top 50 list.

The clean energy solution, voted second on our EnviroTech 50 ranking, further establishes itself within the global construction sector after securing a spot in the Energy Systems and HVAC category for its Flameless Generator.

The generator provides a sustainable alternative to diesel generators, a major contributor to carbon emissions of industries including construction and mining, data centres and grid balancing. 

The award also comes hot on the heels of this year’s UK Construction Week, where IPG was named Most Sustainable Exhibitor. This award positioned the company as a transformative solution for companies aiming to transition to net-zero construction sites.

IPG Energy – Reinventing fuel-based power for the net-zero future

The three awards come as the company launches its £10 million Series A, which will enable IPG to deliver on the potential of this transformative technology.

“It’s great seeing the anticipation and excitement around how the IPG generator can really support net zero endeavours and deliver decarbonisation for hard-to-abate sectors,” said Toby Gill, CEO. 

“Not only was our solution recognised at UK Construction Week but being included in both Building Tech Top 50 and EnviroTech 50 list solidifies our reputation as a noteworthy player amongst the sustainable tech and construction industries.”

Harnessing IPG’s breakthrough Flameless Combustion technology, its generator solution delivers pollutant-free power from any fuel. 

This fuel-flexibility allows businesses to end reliance on diesel and decarbonise their operations, without uncertainty in the nascent green hydrogen and biofuel supply chains introducing greater risk to energy security.

EnviroTech 50 – UK’s most innovative green technology creators