
Posted on September 1, 2015 by staff

Edinburgh Council Signs Outsourcing Deal


In a bid to transform council services, the City of Edinburgh Council has signed a £186m outsourcing deal with CGI.

The contract will involve CGI updating the council’s IT systems and supporting its “channel shift” programme; aimed to introduce integrated digital services across the local authority.

Convener of the City of Edinburgh’s finances and resources committee, Alasdair Rankin, believes it’s crucial to include SMEs in CGI’s supply chain.

He said: “SMEs are an important part of the contract. We have a lot of SMEs in Edinburgh and we are keen to support the local economy and businesses.”

Steve Thorn, CGI’s UK public sector SVP, said: “This is an ambitious programme that will change the way citizens access and use public services and will introduce new ways of working for the council’s employees, ultimately making their jobs more productive and satisfying.”


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