A leading investment bank expects the number of billion-dollar tech companies in the North...
A select committee has urged the Government to formulate an immediate plan for protecting ...
Prime Minister Theresa May has appointed a new minister to lead the ongoing Northern Power...
Government spending on science, engineering and technology is on the increase to combat th...
Mammoth British technology firm ARM Holdings is set to be bought by Japanese giant Softban...
Virtual reality will one day be used to entertain all air passengers and sell them duty-fr...
Cyber security business Secarma has acquired Altrincham-based application security special...
Outgoing digital minister Ed Vaizey believes the cities of the North need to work together...
Former Robot Wars resident expert Professor Noel Sharkey is worried that robots will repla...
As Internet of Things adoption becomes more widespread, demand for employees with tech ski...
Sage CTO Stuart Lynn says the North East has a heritage of reinventing itself as the tech ...
In a bid to reduce costs and improve efficiencies Liverpool and Salford councils have sign...