Scandal-hit tech firm WANdisco has announced a string of boardroom changes as its share price plumme...
Leeds-based change enablement specialist - CDS - has recruited Dom Baker as its new head of innovati...
Manchester Digital has appointed Rachel Tsang and Ben Davies to its board. Tsang is currently dep...
Over the past few months, it has felt like a tsunami of redundancies has been sweeping the tech sect...
HealthTech 50 firm Mizaic - behind electronic document management system MediViewer - has announced ...
Boohoo has effectively forced the removal of the CEO of Revolution Beauty. The fast fashion giant...
The share price at Aptitude Software Group plc has fallen after CEO Jeremy Suddards stepped down. ...
Eigen Technologies has appointed David Brooks and Simon Hogg as its first chief operating officer an...
Bidstack Group plc has pledged to reduce the size of its leadership team as an activist shareholder ...
Print-on-demand merchandise platform Merchr has bolstered its team with three new recruits in line w...
The chief executive of BT, Philip Jansen, is to step down in the next 12 months. The telecoms gia...
The CEO of smart sensing software company Oxford Metrics plc is to join Ordnance Survey as chief exe...