The BBC is to screen 33 World Cup matches in virtual reality.
The national broadcaster will offer views from a “luxury private box” or behind either goal via a dedicated app which takes account of viewers’ head movements.
It will work with iOS and Android devices and the Gear VR, Oculus Go and PlayStation VR headsets.
Viewers will also be able to stream all 29 of the BBC’s matches at Russia 2018 in ultra-sharp 4K resolution and HDR via the iPlayer – the first time the BBC has screened sport in HDR.
HDR is capable of displaying millions more colours while images are more impactful as they have a greater dynamic range.
This will only be available to users in the UK while the number of devices able to access the hi-tech version will be limited to the “tens of thousands” and decided on a first-come, first-served basis. Footage will also be played at 50 frames per second rather than the normal 25fps.
Users will need a 40 megabit per second internet connection to enjoy the optimum experience, according to the BBC.