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The fight against climate change begins with individuals: you can make a difference by considering your electricity usage and how you move and travel. Even the things you buy and the food you eat have an impact on this battle.

Across the globe, greenhouse gas emissions vary from person to person. For instance, in 2020, in the US, over 14.5 tons of CO2 equivalent per individual were recorded. That’s two times the global average (6.3 tons).

By 2030, the expected average emissions per individual annually need to be reduced to 2-2.5 tons of CO2. That’s a better way to preserve a liveable climate. 

How to Manage Climate Change 

Below are five ways to reduce the effects of climate change worldwide.

Use your car sparingly

Making it a habit to leave your car at home is an effective way to combat climate change. Cycle or walk more! Likewise, it has more mental and physical benefits and saves money. If you must travel long distances, take public transportation. You may also consider car-sharing schemes. 

This is because cars contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and pollute the air via exhaust fumes. The result may be a severe health threat to the public. Some studies show this may negatively affect unborn babies. It can also increase the risk of dementia.

Also, experts suggest that poor air quality leads to admissions for severe issues and asthma annually. Reduced life expectancy is also caused by poor air quality.

Switch to a different energy source 

Another way to manage climate change is to find an alternative energy source for your home. You need to know if your home’s energy is derived from gas, coal or oil. Your utility company can help you with this. If you can, it’s best to switch to renewable sources. Solar and wind sources are excellent. Installing solar panels will generate safe energy for your home. Using any of these will help you reduce your carbon footprint by about 1.5 tons of CO2 annually. 

Consume more vegetables and less meat

You will also lower your environmental impact with what you eat. For instance, eat less dairy and meat and more fruits, nuts, veggies and whole grains. 

Most often, producing plant-based foods has fewer greenhouse gas emissions. These foods need less land, water, and energy. You will significantly reduce your carbon footprint by about 500 kg of CO2 a year when you switch from a mixed diet to a vegetarian diet. 

Utilise less hot water

To heat your water, more energy is required. Lessening the rate you use hot water will help combat climate change. Don’t use hot water. Instead of a hot shower, go for shorter and cooler showers. Also, endeavor to wash your clothes with cold or warm water. It alone saves you over 500 pounds of carbon dioxide every year.

Examine your flights

Yes, you need to reduce your flying to stop climate change. Instead of flying for work, try video-conferencing. Are you travelling within a country or continent? A train trip is better. There are other options to explore – consider electric cars. Pay more to offset carbon if you can’t move without flying.

If you are going for a leisure trip, tour only close destinations, then fly economy. Do you know that, on average, a person who flies business class uses a carbon footprint three times that of an economy passenger?


Together, we can fight global climate change. It is possible to make it a reality with minor differences among individuals. Use an alternative source of energy for your home. Walk more and use cold or warm water. Finally, you can reach out to Greenly to learn more. Click here!!!