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If you are running a business on Amazon and wish to stand out from more than 2 million active sellers in the marketplace, opening an AMZ Storefront can allow you to differentiate your brand from your competition and build trust among clients.

This article will walk you through how to develop your brand on the platform, how to gain visibility, and, above all, how to create an Amazon Storefront.

What Is an Amazon Storefront?

AMZ Store is one of the main features for companies to drive orders and increase customer loyalty.

It’s the new DIY option, which allows merchants to set up their brand shops in the marketplace. The tool is exclusively created to provide clients with a rich and immersive virtual buying experience.

Shortly, it’s a free self-service item, which enables a seller to make and design multi-page shops to highlight their goods, value proposition, and businesses on Amazon.

Why Do You Need an Amazon Store?

Amazon Storefronts are important if you do not have a site and need a proper place to demonstrate your AMZ merchandise.

If you are not ready to invest in your digital store yet, you can create a storefront on the platform. Your business requires a home base, so your Amazon shop can serve as a place for customers to find out more about your company and the exact value it delivers.

What is nice about AMZ stores is that you can quickly build great-looking pages that demonstrate your goods with text, photos, and videos. You may also dynamically promote your storefront pages with your items based on specific keyword parameters.

To sum up, Amazon Storefronts let you make multiple web pages with up to three levels of hierarchy. Everything is self-service, and you can use its built-in social sharing tool to boost awareness and traffic

How to Create AMZ Storefront? 

Step 1. Register a professional AMZ Seller account.

You may visit the platform’s website to learn more about creating an AMZ seller account, but it’s relatively straightforward. First, pick a professional plan that costs $39.99 per month. You will also have to choose the business type of your company. For example, are you managing an individual business, a privately owned company, or a charity? To finish the process, you will need to have your business contact information available and a credit card on file that AMZ can charge to cover seller fees.

Step 2. Apply for Brand Registry.

The second step to launching an AMZ shop is registering the brand. To become a part of the AMZ brand registry, you need the logo or brand name clearly labeled on all your items. You should also have a pending or active registered trademark in the state where you want to sell your merchandise.

If you satisfy these criteria, you may start the registration process. You can pick the country marketplace you wish to sell your goods, access your selling profile, and fill in the rest of your personal details.

Step 3. Add your goods.

After registering your brand, the next stage in opening an Amazon store is adding goods to your online shelves. You may add merchandise one at a time or multiple goods with a spreadsheet. Each item you sell needs to have its individual SKU number so that AMZ has a record of all goods you sell. Besides, you need to let the platform know how many of each product are in stock. Registering each of your goods can take a long time, so you can contact a professional agency that can help you.

Step 4. Customize the storefront.

Next, customize your Amazon storefront. The actions you need to do include the following:

  • From the navigation bar in your store, select “Create a store.”
  • Then, you can check all templates and pick the one that best fits the goods you sell.
  • Finally, open up the AMZ store builder to customize the store.

There are numerous options available, so do not hesitate to play around with them to decide what works best for you. Your task is to create an attractive shop that is easy to use and will attract visitors.

Step 5. Submit Amazon store for review.

Your last step is to submit your shop for review. Similar to other review procedures on the platform, it may take a few days. Thus, you need to be patient. As soon as your store is open, you should benefit from advanced analytical tools to determine what is working and what is not and how you can boost your revenue. There are many tools on Amazon that you can use, and they can be found in the “Insights” menu of your AMZ storefront builder.

Final Thoughts 

Amazon Stores is an extra feature that sellers can use to grow their client engagement. If you don’t have an online shop, creating an AMZ shop will be a mirror for your business.

Moreover, you may increase your company’s visibility in related Amazon searches while sharing your brand’s story with a combination of text content, images, and videos, which can be crucial to many buyers.