
Posted on August 1, 2016 by staff

Roundtable: Tech in Lancashire


Lancashire’s tech offering will be the subject of a BusinessCloud roundtable. This event is by invitation only.

Friday 16 September 8–10am
Businesswise Solutions,  Suite 103-105, Lomeshaye Business Village, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 6DR

The tech sector is burgeoning. Lancashire’s Local Enterprise Partnership has identified Creative and Digital (Creative Economy) as one of its key business sectors in Lancashire.

The latest government estimates show that 2.8 million people were employed in the Creative Economy in UK – which equates to one in 11 of all UK jobs.

It’s a similar picture in Lancashire, which is home to burgeoning tech companies like Daisy, Exertis and Elite Telecoms.

However you don’t have to work in tech companies to work in technology with companies recognising the benefits of scale that technology brings. Euxton Lane Developments Ltd have submitted plans for a digital health park near Chorley.

The UK’s newest tech magazine BusinessCloud will be hosting a tech roundtable in the enlarged offices of energy specialist Businesswise Solutions, which has seen a spike in turnover following with launch of its new energy portal UTILITYi.

The discussion will be chaired by editor Chris Maguire, an award-winning journalist and events host.


  • Dr Michele Lawtry-Jones, director, Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub
  • Gary Hall, chief executive, Chorley Council
  • Stewart Townsend, managing director, Digital Lancashire
  • Matthew Hirst, CEO, Utiligroup
  • Frazer Durris, managing director and co-founder, Businesswise Solutions
  • Declan Hadley, digital health lead, Healthier Lancashire
  • Wayne Averre, regional manager, Daisy SMB Services
  • Paul Billington, Board Member, Prodo Digital; Board Member, Creative Lancashire; Director, Digital Lancashire

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