
Zapmap has published new statistics on public charge point installations in the first half of 2024.

The latest figures show there are now more than 64,000 public charging devices available to EV drivers. 

This is a net increase of 11,195 chargers over the last six months and represents overall year-on-year growth of 46%.

In addition to an increase in the overall number of devices, the new figures from Zapmap – ranked No.1 on our TransportTech 50 late last year – show that the rate of charge point installation has increased in 2024.

In 2023, for example, an average of 1,387 charging devices were installed each month across the UK. In contrast, the first half of 2024 has seen this figure increase to 1,865 each month. As such, the rate of installation in 2024 has increased by around 34% when compared to 2023.

In terms of en-route charging provision for drivers undertaking longer journeys, the number of rapid and ultra-rapid chargers (50kW+) has increased by 49% since June 2023, and there are now over 12,551 of these types of chargers in the UK.

The new statistics also suggest that charge point operators are responding to rising demand for quicker charging stops while drivers are en-route to their destinations.

Indeed, operators are steadily installing 150kW+ chargers, which typically add around 100 miles of range in 20 minutes. There are now 5,416 of these devices across the country. This is more than double the number there were in June 2023, and marks an increase of 114%. 

Geographically, Zapmap’s statistics show that all areas across the country have shown good progress in 150kW+ chargers. The North West has exhibited particularly high growth (with an increase of more than 178%), as has the South West (more than 163%). Wales and Northern Ireland also showed significant growth, albeit from a low base, showing increases of over 180% and more than 388% respectively.

Furthermore, the statistics show that the highest growth area has been in the number of high-powered charging hubs. More than 120 of these new charging hubs have been installed since the end of 2023, with the number rising from 264, up to 386 at the end of June.

The figures exclude Tesla locations that are not yet open to drivers of other car brands, with hubs defined by Zapmap as locations with six or more rapid or ultra-rapid charging devices. 

Zapmap – search for EV charging points, plan journeys and pay for charging with Zapmap.

More than 120 high-power charging hubs have been installed across the UK since the end of 2023.

In addition, the Zapmap data reveals continued  growth in the number of lower-powered chargers for overnight charging on residential streets.

On top of the estimated 800,000 charge points installed at homes across the UK, the UK has seen a steady rollout of on-street charge points to support drivers who are unable to charge their car at home. Almost 3,500 new on-street chargers were installed in the first half of 2024, bringing the total number to 23,290.

In particular, the majority of new on-street chargers are concentrated – and are still being installed – in Greater London: the total now stands at 17,269, compared to 10,894 last June. This represents an increase of 59%.

Elsewhere in the UK, the availability of on-street charging provision remains patchy, with some areas such as Coventry, Brighton and Liverpool displaying increased coverage of on-street chargers, while others still have limited provision.

Outside London, there are now 6,021 on-street chargers compared with 3,737 this time last year. Although an increase of 61%, this positive growth is admittedly from a low base.

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Almost 3,500 new on-street chargers were installed in the first half of 2024.

Meanwhile, the Government’s LEVI (Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) funding continues to be rolled out across local authorities. The 49 ‘Tranche 1’ local authorities have already been awarded funding, and are moving through procurement phases. Those in ‘Tranche 2’ have until mid-July to submit their applications. Looking ahead, this should result in a significant increase in on-street provision in 2025.

Melanie Shufflebotham, co-founder & COO at Zapmap, said: “The past six months have been extremely positive for public charging infrastructure in the UK – not least because more than 11,000 additional charge points are now available for electric car drivers across the country.

“For drivers who are looking to make the switch to electric, but are not quite sure yet, they need to have the confidence that the public charging network is there for them, particularly on longer journeys. That’s why it is fantastic to see such progress in en-route charging as well as in the rollout of so many, highly visible, charging hubs.

“Our mission at Zapmap is to make charging simple for EV drivers when they are out and about, and the continued growth of the public charging network makes this task much easier.”