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The development of the internet has introduced many changes to our way of life. Not only has the way we communicate changed, but also the way we access information, shop, or enjoy entertainment. The internet has provided conveniences that not long ago seemed impossible, but which are now our daily reality. Today, we are so dependent on the internet that life without it seems impossible. Streaming platforms benefit from its widespread availability.

What are streaming platforms?  

Streaming platforms provide access to media – i.e. music, podcasts, films, series, programmes or information – in real time. The data you have requested via your internet connection is sent to your device as it plays, so you don’t have to wait for the entire file to download. Instead, you can play it straight away. Streaming enables faster access and is a great way to save storage space on home and mobile devices. Examples of the most popular platforms are Netflix, YouTube, and Spotify.  

Why are streaming platforms so popular?  

What is the secret of their great popularity? First and foremost, the convenience for consumers. For a small fee charged monthly for a subscription, we have access to the entire library of media that the platform offers us. Not only can we use them anytime, anywhere, but we also have a wide range of choices, so we only watch and listen to what interests us most. In addition, thanks to data collection, the platforms offer personalized suggestions for media that may be interesting to us. 

Netflix was one of the first such platforms to gain popularity. To this day, Netflix has distinguished itself by allowing access to full seasons of series on the day of release, rather than streaming episodes. As a result, it has the largest number of subscribers. This has given rise to a way of watching in bulk, i.e. numerous episodes at once, or binge-watching – which is not necessarily healthy, but definitely convenient for viewers. 

Streaming, however, is not only about TV series and movies. There are other forms of entertainment that might be streamed, such as music, podcasts, or games. A great example of such a form of entertainment are online casinos that offer live games. They provide players with real-life experience of gambling, from any place in the world, while the players themselves stay in the comfort of their homes. Everything is safe, it allows people to use real money and enjoy something new and exciting. 

The future of streaming platforms  

The quality of Netflix’s productions has declined recently, many argue. Having a great quantity of films and series unfortunately do not translate into quality. More demanding productions, such as documentaries, have not been watched as often, and thus have not generated as much revenue as, for example, comedies. Compared to the production costs, they frequently did not pay off.

Netflix has therefore focused mainly on an undemanding audience looking mainly for entertainment. In the past, the choice was much smaller, but thanks to more preparation time, by releasing episodes, they were always polished and of better quality. Netflix can be compared to the fast food of today’s cinematography. 

It is uncertain what specifically the future holds for VOD platforms; there are several possibilities. It is highly possible that they will replace television and radio altogether and that the market will be taken over by the major giants, such as Spotify, which is at the forefront of music platforms. However, producers could take the baton here. It seems much better to buy access to specific works directly from the producer than to pay a platform for access to the entire library, most of which we do not use anyway.

However, their position in the market is currently strong, and even if they were to be replaced by something in the future, it will not happen soon.