
Posted on May 19, 2017 by staff

UK’s top 101 tech start-up disrupters to be revealed


The cream of the UK’s best tech start-ups are about to be revealed with the long-awaited publication of BusinessCloud’s inaugural ‘101 Tech Start-Up Disrupters’ list.

After an exhaustive UK-wide search BusinessCloud has chosen the 101 companies we believe are using tech to disrupt traditional industries and have the ability to scale.

The list contains 44 start-ups from London; 14 from the North West; eight from Yorkshire & Humber; four from the South East and Oxford; three from the South West; seven from East Anglia and Cambridge; three from the Midlands; six from the North East; three from Northern Ireland; four from Scotland; four from Wales; and one from Jersey.

The full list will be published in the next edition of BusinessCloud and online.

We were inundated with so many nominations that we’ve decided to publish a second list – entitled ‘101 Rising Stars of Tech Start-Ups’, to recognise those companies that didn’t quite make the first list but we felt had the potential to scale.

Like the disrupters the list of 101 rising stars will be published in the next edition of BusinessCloud and online. Of these 30 are based in London with the remainder spread across the UK.

All the companies on both lists have now been invited to attend a prestigious half-day conference at UKFast’s Manchester campus on June 7th.

Delegates will hear from several start-ups on the list and the bosses of some more established companies about their early days as a start-up.

BusinessCloud editor Chris Maguire said: “When we began talking about this list last year we never imagined it would take off like it has.

“The calibre of the companies is absolutely unbelievable – you really wouldn’t believe some of the work these inspirational start-ups are doing and we feel very strongly that their work needs to be celebrated on a national platform.

“For example one of the companies that really impressed us was London-based Improbable and they’ve just secured a massive funding boost of $502m!”

Maguire said it was important to recognise all types of start-ups, which is where the idea for the second list of 101 rising stars came from.

“Companies from both lists have now been invited to attend a prestigious conference on UKFast on June 7th, where we’ll be hearing about the secrets of a successful start-up,” added Maguire.

To comment on Twitter on either list use the hashtag #BCloud101

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