
STRAT7, the global strategic insight and customer analytics group, has promoted Jonathan Clough to chief operating officer.

Clough, who was previously CEO at STRAT7 agency Researchbods, takes up the role following significant business expansion over the past five years, and will evolve and streamline the group’s operational model to ensure seamless collaboration among its growing roster of specialist agencies. 

He will sit on the board, led by CEO Barrie Brien.

As a founding partner of Leeds-based Researchbods, Clough also played a pivotal role in the creation of STRAT7, which was established in 2019 through the merger of Researchbods and Bonamy Finch. 

This alliance has grown into a dynamic ecosystem aimed at enhancing the capabilities of its specialist and partner brands. STRAT7 is characterised by its pioneering infrastructure that enables its affiliated agencies to provide outstanding service and insights, thereby assisting clients in prioritising and addressing their specific needs.

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The collaboration within STRAT7 integrates the distinct expertise of Crowd DNA, Researchbods, and Bonamy Finch in cultural insights, insight communities, and analytics, respectively. In addition, Incite, Jigsaw and Advisory contribute by forging strategic client relationships. 

This approach, characterised by offering specialist capabilities at scale, has united the six agencies into a cohesive entity, allowing clients to systematically fulfil their strategic objectives.

Clough’s remit will be centred on unifying the six agencies under a cohesive market strategy and brand identity, preserving their unique specialisms while optimising their collective strength. This strategic overhaul includes a new operating model to foster seamless collaboration and a centralised support system for IT, HR, sales and marketing, enabling agencies to focus on core services. 

Charlotte Moody has been promoted from director, communities & insight, to the managing director role at STRAT7 Researchbods to take over operational duties from Clough. As the strategic lead for the business, Moody will be responsible for maintaining Researchbods’ growth in the face of a challenging economic climate. 

She will support clients by developing cost-effective, agile and flexible research and insight programmes to ensure research budgets go further. To this end, Moody will oversee the business’ innovation roadmap, to cover Researchbods’ proprietary community platform, ex-plor, alongside the development of new tech products. She will  also work closely with the team to oversee the implementation of AI tools as standard across Researchbod’s daily operations.  

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Finally, Moody’s international remit tasks her with growing the US side of the business, notably in cementing the New York office as a strategic hub to strengthen ties with the agency’s US-based clients. 

“Since 2019, our group has seen rapid growth, highlighted by four major acquisitions,” said Clough. “It’s now time to focus on fine-tuning our operational strategy to ensure our clients maximise even more value from our ecosystem of specialists, and to do so while maintaining a unified culture across the globe. 

“The scope of work is significant and hugely exciting. I can’t wait to get started.”

Brien added: “Jonathan’s appointment is a reflection of his exceptional leadership qualities and his proven track record. 

“As STRAT7 continues to evolve and expand, his strategic insight and leadership will be crucial for guiding us through this essential phase. 

“We have the agencies, talent, and tech in place, now Jonathan will help ensure it is operationally the best it can be, while ensuring our culture and people are both united and fully supported to do their best work for clients.”

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