
The startup behind a solution to digitise construction waste tracking has raised £1.7 million.

Qualis Flow says 40% of the world’s raw resources are used in engineering and construction – and 13% of all those materials go directly to waste.

Qflow, its first product, automates how materials and waste can be tracked and managed directly on site. It uses machine learning to provide real-time alerts to engineering teams and bring transparency to investors and developers. 

Unlike traditional methods, Qflow captures and digitises data on site. That means no changes to workflow or supply chain, providing the simplest possible way to eliminate risks and reduce embodied carbon.

Qualis Flow Qflow app

“We have a vision of a construction industry that uses only the resources it needs in the most efficient way possible – delivering a built environment that meets the needs of society without compromising future generations,” said CEO Brittany Harris, who co-founded the Bath-based company with Jade Cohen.

The funding, led by Green Angel Syndicate, with PiLabs, Groundbreak, Suisse Immo Lab and Vala Capital, will help Qualis Flow – which featured on our PropTech 50 ranking this week – double its 17-strong team in 2022.


Meanwhile, the next phase in Qflow’s development will focus on integrating with BIM (building information management) and other digital tools to verify design and ensure companies are building what they set out to.

The startup says its UK clients are planning to deploy Qflow across Central Europe and Australia.

“Qflow has built an elegantly simple solution that addresses clear pain points not only for workers on construction sites but also for the back-office of construction companies,” said Bernardo Delarue Bizzini, Investment Associate, Swiss Immo Lab.

“We believe that Qflow is strategically positioned to make construction not only more efficient but also more sustainable. Swiss Immo Lab is thrilled to join Qflow in this journey.”