This week BusinessCloud caught up with Steven George-Hilley, founder of B2B tech and fintech PR agency Centropy. Here he discusses the issues facing scale-up businesses, the challenges around funding for start-ups and the role AI will play in driving enterprise growth.

What inspired you to launch your own PR agency?

PR is a very exciting job; no day is the same and every week brings fresh opportunities and challenges. I’d been working with key figures in the technology sector for many years and the time seemed right to try my luck running my own PR shop.

Fast forward seven years and we’re now a global team, with offices in London and San Diego, working with some of the most prestigious technology companies in the world. Fintech has also been a key area of growth with us, we’ve picked several scale-up clients focused on payments and debit card services.

How are your clients making use of AI in their services?

It’s crystal clear that AI is at the very top of the boardroom agenda for all businesses. The technology brings with it huge benefits in terms of efficiency and cost saving but can lead to job disruption and role destruction.

I’ve recently chaired several debates in the House of Lords and Parliament around the impact AI is having on the jobs market. The consensus is that ultimately AI will create economic growth, and lead to a surge in demand for staff equipped with tech qualifications. However, in the debates I’ve been facilitating, many vendors have flagged that this journey comes with a price, with traditional roles being replaced and many people losing out.

The harsh reality is that technology is disruptive by nature, so it’s vital that businesses adapt to stay ahead of the curve.

How can PR campaigns benefit the tech industry?

We work with companies of all shapes and sizes, from global stock market-listed firms to start-ups with their first round of seed funding. All of them offer fantastic solutions with the potential to transform businesses and public service for the better.

However, many lack the in-house capabilities and expertise to develop compelling messaging and take it to market. Working with a dedicated PR agency with a proven track record and deep-rooted national and tech media connections will allow ambitious organisations the opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

Steven George-Hilley is the founder of Centropy PR, a global tech and fintech communications agency with offices in London and San Diego.