A new study has revealed Britain’s most digitally connected cities for mobile data coverage and internet speed.
The data, revealed by PowWowNow, names London as the UK’s most connected city with 94 per cent of the population always online.
But despite the capital topping the list, it is northern cities which take lead when it comes to finding great 4G connections.
Bristol is the only southern city outside of the capital to offer connectivity at more than 90 per cent of premises.
Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester and Liverpool all represent the north in offering 4G coverage at 90 per cent or more homes.
Cardiff has the fastest internet with a speed score of 9.6 out of 10, while Nottingham, Bristol, Wigan and Edinburgh are the only other cities with a score of 9 or more.
Notably, the cities of Coventry, Nottingham, Birmingham, and Leicester all represent the Midlands in the UK’s top 10 most connected cities while, heading further north, only Liverpool and Glasgow rank among the 10 best cities for remaining online.
Cardiff is the best city for internet speed with a download speed of 61MBps.
Surprisingly London isn’t the best place for a quick connection. In fact, Cardiff has the fastest internet with a speed score of 9.6 out of 10, while Nottingham, Bristol, Wigan and Edinburgh are the only other cities with a score of 9 or more.
“Businesses across the UK are becoming increasingly reliant on remaining connected, with great internet connectivity being the driver of productivity,” said Jason Downes, MD of PowWowNow.
“The cities falling behind on internet connectivity risk jeopardising their attraction for businesses looking to remain competitive in our digitally reliant society.
“With the growth of remote working rising too, it’s essential that cities across the UK are aware of the digital gaps they present when trying to attract the UK’s savviest digital professionals”