
Posted on January 7, 2019 by staff

NHS to adopt to the ‘digital age’ with long term plan


NHS England will publish a plan today which will detail how new technology, such as digital GP consultations could improve the efficiency of the service.

“We are rolling out new digital technologies to deliver improved access to NHS services,” said the government in a statement about the plan.

It is believed that the plan will include providing everyone digital access to their GP, which will include the ability to make appointments, manage prescriptions and view their health records online.

It has also promised to ‘cut waste’ across the NHS, using new ‘digital techniques’ to make significant savings.

“We will continue to make sure we are using taxpayers’ money efficiently, including through introducing new digital techniques and making back office savings of more than £700 million across the NHS,” the government detailed.

“The launch of the NHS Long Term Plan marks an historic step to secure its future and offers a vision for the service for the next ten years, with a focus on ensuring that every pound is spent in a way that will most benefit patients,” added Prime Minister Theresa May.

The government also said that the plan will include improving citizen’s access to mental health, primary care and community services with a larger workforce. A full workforce plan is expected later this year.

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