
Posted on February 23, 2018 by staff

Next-gen till system raises £60,000 crowdfunding in a week


A next-gen till company which provides modern hardware and software for point of sale transactions has begun its crowdfunding campaign.

Brimimgham-based Swoopos has found more than 40 investors and raised over £60,000 in the first week of funding via platform Crowdcube. The company now has 15 days to reach the remaining 75per cent of its £250,000 target.

“Our crowdfunding campaign opens the door to investors to get involved at an exciting time for Swoopos, and be part of a new era for the company”, said Swoopos Founder & CEO Lee Nazari.

“We’ve worked hard to develop a holistic, comprehensive solution for everything from retail, hotels and restaurants, to stadiums and large complexes.”

Swoopos was founded in 2017 and works with national Subway, Costa Coffee, and Second Cup Coffee.

The company’s founder believes that its products will make it easier for businesses to “Swoopos is more than just the sum of its parts. It is not just about mPOS systems, or mobile payments, mobile ordering, or beacon marketing,” said Nazari.

“It is about bringing all of these together to create a connective eco-system that brings business and customers together.”

“It is great time to launch our crowdfunding campaign and we can’t wait to see where this will take us next.”

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