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More than one-third of workplace injuries happen in the first year of the job, regardless of the age and industry of the new employees. There are a lot of things that come with starting a new job, as people need to meet their coworkers, learn the everyday activities in a new company and perform their duties. Plus, they always need to prioritise their safety, which is hard sometimes, as they have a lot on their minds. But why do new employees get hurt more than the other ones? It may be because new workers perform unfamiliar tasks or are unsure about their safety rights. More than that, there is also the possibility that workers feel uncomfortable speaking about a hazard even if they notice it in their workplace. 

Looking at numbers

In 2013, employees with less than one year of work suffered one-third of the nonfatal injuries that make employees stay away from work. Some industries have a higher risk of possible accidents, and the highest percentage of claims made by first-year workers was in restaurants (53%) and construction (48%). The industries with the highest average of missed workdays were construction, with 98 days, transportation, with 88 and services, with 59. 

The most common injuries of first-year workers were sprains and strains (38%), overexertion (27%), trips and falls (22%) and fractures (13%). 

Why are new workers more likely to get injured?

The most common reason new workers get injured is inexperience. There are plenty of workplaces that are full of dangers by their nature. One of the industries that presents plenty of risks is construction. If precautions aren’t taken in this environment, plenty of accidents can result in injuries. To be effective in their jobs, workers must be familiar with the working conditions and the dangers they expose themselves to. 

Workers have the right to refuse to perform a task if an environment looks unsafe. However, not all new employees know this fact, which is why they may take on jobs even if they know they will be in danger. 

Another common reason new employees get hurt at work is because of a lack of preparation and hesitancy. If they hesitate to ask questions, especially in dangerous jobs, they will be more prone to get injured. Lack of preparation is also a reason why workers are injured.

Employees need to know they can claim compensation if they get hurt at the workplace to receive something for the harm done. More information can be found at

How can employers reduce risks in the workplace?

There are many ways in which employers can reduce risks in the workplace, and here are some of them:


Training is very important, and each employee should be trained when hired. Many accidents in the workplace happen because employers don’t offer initial training or don’t tell the safety requirements of the job. Businesses might believe that they have the best procedures in the world that make their employees safe, but they will not be very beneficial if workers are not trained to use them. 

Also, it is very important how employers train their employees. Showing a video with the measures needed and the safety requirements in an environment is not enough, as people need to interact and see an experienced person who does these procedures. Also, they will want to ask questions if they don’t understand, so they need someone to guide them in this process.  


New employees are going to be new employees for some time. And just because they have undergone initial training, that doesn’t mean that the mentoring period should finish or that they are no longer new to the job. Supervisors will need to provide additional oversight to the new workers for more time. The length of this extra attention depends on a variety of factors, including past experience or the ability to learn quickly. But this process depends from case to case. Also, new employees should be reinforced that what they are doing is all right and receive constructive feedback to improve the things they are not successful with yet. 

What should employees do after a workplace accident?

In the aftermath of a workplace injury, employees probably don’t know what to do next. Health comes first, so employees should seek immediate medical attention. Only a medical professional can evaluate the situation and provide the right treatment, so this step can’t be skipped. Also, they should inform their employer as soon as possible and keep a detailed account of what happened. It is important that employees will know the time of the accident, who was present there and any other relevant information that might help them later. 

The next step is to file a claim to receive compensation to pay their medical bills. This is the process in which workers need evidence to back up the events they have gone through. 

The consequences of injuries in the workplace

Workplace accidents have plenty of consequences, both for employers and employees. For employees, an accident can bring financial loss, the inability to perform tasks, and the fear that the injury can repeat in the future. For employers, workplace injuries could lead to decreased productivity, employee turnover and increased claims costs. 

Final words

All employees face some level of danger, but new workers are more vulnerable for plenty of reasons. Being a new employee can be exciting, but at the same time, anyone needs to be more careful about their surroundings, as it is unfamiliar to them. Also, employers must ensure they offer their workers the best conditions, take the time to provide proper initial training and monitor them through additional mentorship. This can help in reducing the chances that an accident will happen. Also, employees need to know they can have the support of their employers and can ask them any questions they might have.