The Information Commissioner’s Office has launched a campaign to help the general public protect their data.
The new General Data Protection Regulation comes into effect today, marking the biggest change to UK data protection law in a generation.
Regulated by the ICO, it gives people more control about how their data is used, shared and stored and requires organisations to be more accountable and transparent about how they use it.
As part of a wider effort to promote better data practices in industry and society in general, the ICO has launched a public information campaign – ‘Your Data Matters’ – which is aimed at increasing the public’s trust and confidence in how their data is used and made available.
It has also launched a new Twitter account – @YourDataMatters – to complement its @ICONews account and dedicated helpline for small businesses.
“Almost everything we do – keeping in touch with friends on social media, shopping online, exercising, driving, and even watching television – leaves a digital trail of personal data,” said Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham.
“We know that sharing our data safely and efficiently can make our lives easier, but that digital trail is valuable. It’s important that it stays safe and is only used in ways that people would expect and can control.”