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Do you know all the mental and physical benefits a wooden summer house garden office can give you?

Working from home has become a normal aspect of almost everyone’s life, and yet many of us still aren’t spending time creating a dedicated workspace that helps us produce our best work in an environment that makes us feel happy and relaxed.

And for some that do want to create a unique space for work, separate from their home life, they may struggle to find the required space in their home.

But a garden office can solve these issues and so much more.

Why are Garden Offices so Popular?

Summer house

It is no secret that garden offices have skyrocketed in popularity since the start of the pandemic in 2020.

With many of us working from home for the first time ever, many were caught off guard with minimal working space in their home. As a result, people started inquiring about the use of a wooden summer house for work, which allowed for a complete separation between work and home life.

Since then, with more of us working from home, either full-time or part-time, than ever before, the demand for garden offices has continued to grow due to the many work, home, physical, and mental benefits they offer.

The Benefits of a Garden Building in Your Back Garden

Summer house

A dedicated space for your work

One of the main benefits of opting for a garden office pod is the dedicated space it provides for you to work on your projects.

Whether you work for yourself or have plenty of projects that require your full attention, a dedicated garden office space can help give you the physical and mental space you need to do your best work.

Rather than hunching over a makeshift desk in your house, surrounded by noise and distractions, you can use a garden office to fully focus on the task at hand, away from anything that could distract you.

Adds value to your property and everyday life

Not only do garden buildings add somewhere you can dedicate to your work, but they also bring plenty of value to your property and everyday life.

With so many of us spending at least one day a week working from home, your garden room will be an attractive prospect for the right buyer when it comes time to sell your property. The additional living space of a high-quality garden summer house will only add to the valuation of your property.

That is if you don’t plan on taking it with you when you move!

However, that is not the only way that garden office pods can add value. They can also add value to your everyday life by adding a place to create memories, improve your mood, and spend time with your family.

Improves your work-life balance

Another benefit that the perfect garden room can bring is that it can significantly improve your work-life balance.

Garden room buildings offer you a place to dedicate yourself to your work but leave it at the end of the day. Rather than leaving your laptop open and checking your emails after dinner, you can create a physical gap between you and your work, allowing you to switch off at the end of the day and enjoy time with your friends and family.

This might seem less productive in the short run, but when you realise how much more work you got done in your dedicated workspace and how fresh and motivated you feel the next day due to your rest, you’ll quickly see the benefits.

More motivation and productivity

As we have just touched on, a summer house garden office can significantly improve your motivation and productivity.

And who here doesn’t want to feel more productive?

Say goodbye to those hours of twiddling your thumbs and getting distracted by things in the house, and say hello to uninterrupted focus and attention on the task at hand.

What to Consider When Picking Your Garden Office Building

Summer house

How many rooms do you need?

It is important to remember that home offices don’t have only to get used for work. You can also use any additional space for a hobby room, a home gym, or other uses of the spare room. Two separate rooms can allow you to keep the two uses apart, but it isn’t always necessary.

What is your budget?

Secondly, you should always have a budget in mind. While a bigger summer house with extra space might offer superior quality, don’t spend time looking at it if it is outside your budget.

Plenty of high-quality wooden summer houses with top-quality double glazing and 44mm wall thickness can act as a garden office without spending more than your budget.

How else do you plan to use your log cabin office?

A garden office is a fantastic option for your wooden summer house, but you don’t work every waking hour.

Or at least, you shouldn’t be!

With that in mind, consider how else you plan to use your summer house, as that will influence the style you choose and where you place it in your garden.

How much garden space do you want to use for your garden office?

Finally, consider how much space you want your garden office to occupy. The larger the garden summer house, the more your garden you will sacrifice.

Corner summer houses are also an excellent option to maximise your garden office’s size without losing your entire garden.

Final Thoughts on Garden Office Buildings

Summer house

As you can see, there are so many ways that a wooden summer house garden office can change your work and home life.

Working from home isn’t showing any signs of going away any time soon. In fact, it is only becoming more prominent.

With that in mind, there is no better time to invest in your short-term and long-term mental health and well-being and purchase a garden office.

Frequently Asked Questions About Office Log Cabins

Summer house

Does my garden office need double-glazed windows?

Double glazing for your garden office is essential if you use it all year round. The additional window thickness can also deter criminals and provide additional natural insulation.

How can I make the best garden office?

Ultimately, this will differ depending on which garden rooms you choose, but ensuring your garden office has all of the basic office requirements and is designed in a style that suits you will make your garden office even more fun to spend time in.

Do I need planning permission for my garden office?

In most instances, planning permission is not required, but there are some instances where it is required. Before purchasing a garden building, always check with your local authorities first.