
Posted on January 8, 2018 by staff

Gender pay gap narrows in North West digital sector


The gender pay gap has dropped to almost half the national average in the North West’s technology and digital industries, according to new research.

Manchester Digital’s Salary Survey, which looked at a cross-section of the region’s top businesses, revealed that women are paid on average 6 per cent less than men in a cross-section of roles and seniority levels.

This dropped to a gap of 4 per cent when taking personal bonuses into account.

In monetary terms, wage differences amount to an average annual difference of £2,366 between men and women. However, women’s personal bonuses were in total 78 per cent higher than men in equivalent positions.

The number of women in top-level positions in the digital and technology industry was also relatively positive; 29 per cent of the most senior roles are held by female staff, in comparison to a UK average of 22 per cent.

“Whilst there is clearly still some way to go to reach full equality in companies across the UK, it’s extremely encouraging that the North West’s digital industries are pulling ahead in terms of gender parity,” said Katie Gallagher, managing director at Manchester Digital.

“This is particularly relevant during a time when the sector is suffering from a sustained skills shortage.

“It is crucial that we uphold an inclusive atmosphere in which people of all genders, backgrounds and ethnicities feel empowered to join the tech industry, and that organisations provide the necessary support to ensure their full potential is reached.”