
Posted on October 2, 2018 by staff

French firm opens UK offices to boost Brit construction


Script&Go, the field teams’ software development specialist, is giving the UK construction industry a boost with the opening of offices in Birmingham and London.

With this move, the French start-up aims to better support the needs of the UK Construction sector, improving productivity and saving money through digitisation.

Although a weak start to the year, the UK construction sector is constantly growing, with subsectors such as repair and maintenance observing a fast increase along the past years, and positive expectations for the future, Brexit or not.

Despite these trends and the fact that the UK has been seen as the third largest tech hub in the world, the techniques used in construction remain very traditional and paper centric, leading to 98 per cent of megaprojects suffering cost overruns of more than 30 per cent, 20 months on average for scheduling delays and 80 per cent average cost increase.

With their solutions BatiScript (snag-free site management tool) and Site Diary (site reporting apps), Script&Go could help solve a big part of the problem, as it has done in France for many years.

It will continue its efforts in a country where it already counts big clients such as the Costain Group, Alun Griffiths and Torsion Group.

For the past two years, the company has invested in resources to accelerate its growth in the English-speaking world, with the recruitment of Khaldon Evans as product manager, the appointment of a partner in charge of the North American business and Faisal Hamid joining as the UK Country Manager.

After opening the market last year, Hamid will now be heading the operations from the Birmingham office, with the support of a local team. New arrival Pierre Boesinger will be heading the company’s international operations from the London office.

With this team, the company is accelerating its international growth and preparing the worldwide release of their new platform in January 2019, adding new functionalities in the meantime.

“In the last year we have spent time going up and down the country talking to different people on site to understand their needs, pains and how they work,” said UK country manager Faisal Hamid.

“At Script&Go with this feedback we are developing new products and updating existing ones to meet the needs of the guys on site.

“This new office in Birmingham further shows our commitment to our clients and clients of the future. We have listened and now we are acting! This is the start of an exciting phase in the UK with a new generation of products ready to go in the coming weeks and months.”

CEO & founder Benoît Jeannin explained: “When I travel to UK, I see so many coming works and renovations so it means for us time to help companies to better collaborate together with digital solutions. It’s not only location, but location and delivery – we may help companies to better deliver their buildings.”

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