The first T levels have been contracted to be delivered from 2020.
T Levels will be the technical equivalent to A Levels, using classroom theory, practical learning and an industry placement.
NCFE has been awarded a contract to deliver an Education and Childcare T Level, and Pearson has been awarded contracts to deliver T Levels in Design, Surveying and Planning and Digital Production, Design and Development.
More than 200 businesses, including Fujitsu, Skanska, and GlaxoSmithKline as well as many small and medium sized firms, have helped design the course content to make sure young people taking them are equipped with the knowledge and skills that employer’s value.
Education Secretary Damian Hinds said: “This is a major step forward in our work to upgrade technical education in this country.
“T Levels are a once in a generation opportunity to create high-quality technical education courses on a par with the best in the world, so that young people gain the skills and experience they need to secure a good job, an apprenticeship or progress into further training.
“We have made significant progress to implement these vital reforms which are on track for delivery from 2020.”
The government will provide an additional half a billion pounds every year once they begin, and is also investing £20 million to help prepare the sector for the introduction of the courses.
Sir Gerry Berragan, CEO of the Institute, said: “I am really pleased at the pace the work has developed and the Institute will continue to build on the work of DfE. Technical Education offers a real and exciting alternative to A Levels for young people, with T Levels now sitting alongside apprenticeships. We remain committed to the pace of the roll out and look forward to working with these suppliers as they develop the first T Level qualifications.”
In December 2018, the government announced the next 7 T Levels to be taught from 2021 as Health, Healthcare Science, Science, Onsite Construction, Building Services Engineering, Digital Support and Services and Digital Business Services.
Rod Bristow, President of Pearson in the UK, said: “We are delighted to be delivering the first wave of T Level qualifications in Construction and Digital. The award of these licenses recognises our longstanding collaboration and partnership with employers of all sizes to design, develop and deliver world class qualifications in these industries.
T Levels represent a significant opportunity to strengthen the recognition and value of technical education in England. We look forward to continuing to work with the Government, employers, and providers to ensure their successful implementation, and to support learners as they begin their programmes of study from next September.”