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Instagram to integrate business features into app

Instagram has just announced the launch of a new service aimed to enable businesses to mon...

Explosion of adblocking on mobile ahead of Three trial

Adblocking on mobile devices is now twice as prevalent as on desktop computers, according to...

Can Manchester become the UK’s Silicon Valley?

Manchester’s growing reputation for technology was the subject of a roundtable of busine...

Leeds tech hub ‘more attractive than London’

Leeds is an increasingly attractive destination for technology companies and workers, a de...

‘Tech entrepreneurs who want to change world’ set for IFB

A host of top UK tech entrepreneurs have been lined up for BusinessCloud’s afternoon con...

Three to run adblocking trial for mobile customers

The UK’s fourth largest mobile network is to run an adblocking trial with a view to prov...

BusinessCloud editor to host edgy TV show revivals at IFB

Chris Maguire will host parodies of Mr and Mrs, Eurovision and 8 Out of 10 Cats during ...

Editor’s column: It’s time to demystify tech for business

New BusinessCloud editor Chris Maguire sets out his vision for the redesigned magazine, wh...

Apple ‘in talks over electric car charging stations’

Apple seems to be dipping its toes into the electric car market after a report that they a...

Digital tech sector ‘key’ to success of Northern Powerhouse

A new report says tech is integral to the success of the Northern Powerhouse and has set o...

Sky bigwig confirmed for ‘Tech in the Northern Powerhouse’

A key figure at one of the UK’s unicorns will speak at BusinessCloud’s 'Tech in the No...

Big-name speakers set for IFB big data and IoT conference

The challenge of embracing big data in business will be the focus of a BusinessCloud half-...

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