
Posted on October 10, 2016 by staff

Anti-terror tech adopted by G4S at stadiums and events


Surveillance business Digital Barriers has announced a partnership with G4S to protect ‘soft targets’ from terror attacks.

London-based Digital Barriers’ ThruVis camera technology will be rolled out at events and stadiums as part of G4S’ security contracts.

The mobile system can detect weapons and explosives through clothes.

It can be deployed quickly, reducing queues at major events.

G4S Events managing director Eric Alexander said: “ThruVis provides a higher level of protection and deterrence whilst reducing queue times, improving the visitor experience, and because it’s a passive camera it does so without any issues of safety or privacy.”

He added that such innovations will “rapidly become commonplace” following the terrorist attacks on the continent in recent months.

Zak Doffman, CEO of Digital Barriers, added: “Our partnership with G4S will help to secure public spaces and event venues globally, providing an additional layer of security that is not in place today.”ThruVis has already been used around the world by government agencies to protect the public from acts of terrorism, now we hope to extend this to help protect the public from attacks on so-called soft target locations.”

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