
Listed UK HealthTech group Halma has moved to acquire a ground-breaking firm protecting unborn babies and their mothers. 

Halma, listed on the London Stock Exchange and headquartered in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, focuses on ‘life-saving’ technology companies ‘growing a safer, cleaner and healthier future’. 

The deal for PeriGen, based in North Carolina, USA, is for £42 million. 

PeriGen’s advanced technology protects mothers and their unborn babies by alerting doctors, midwives and nurses to potential problems during childbirth.  

Its software solutions use artificial intelligence to provide an automated early warning platform during labour, enabling healthcare professionals to assess complex data more easily and allowing them to spend more time on direct patient care.

PeriGen’s revenue for the 12 months to the end of March 2021 was approximately £14m. 

Andrew Williams, Group Chief Executive at Halma, commented: “We are excited by the opportunities offered by PeriGen’s digital technology in helping clinicians protect the health of mothers and babies during childbirth, while achieving better clinical outcomes in the increasing proportion of complex births.  

PeriGen is highly aligned with our purpose, broadens our presence in patient assessment and monitoring into the US perinatal care market, and further extends our artificial intelligence and analytics capabilities.”