
Logically, a tech company using advanced AI to tackle misinformation, is launching a new £2.1m crowdfunding campaign to support the rollout of its threat intelligence and fact-checking services.

The firm said the new investment round will further its efforts to detect and mitigate harmful misinformation and deliberate disinformation at scale.

Logically’s services have already been used to support election integrity efforts in the US and India, and are playing a role in protecting the public against Covid-19 misinformation during the pandemic.

It points to the real-world harm caused by election interference, to the rise of the anti-vax movement, and the proliferation of organised conspiracy groups such as QAnon.

It combines  AI and what it claims is the largest dedicated fact-checking team in the world to provide an early warning system for these disinformation campaigns before they are able to reach scale.

Its app also allows members of the public to submit fact checks and read accurate and unbiased headlines via the Logically app.

Former Cambridge student Lyric Jain, founder and CEO of the firm said: “Since I founded the company three years ago, we have seen the phenomenon of mis and disinformation take root, evolve and proliferate.

“Its proponents’ strategies and networks have become more sophisticated, and tackling them requires an equally sophisticated response.

“By way of real and immediate threats, we need look no further than the enormous misinformation challenge any Covid vaccination campaign will encounter. With this additional investment, we’ll be able to increase the speed and scale of the products and services Logically has developed that can make a real difference.”

The crowdfund follows a £2.5m raise in July of this year.

Fake news detecting start-up raises £2.5m ahead of US elections