Vibbl, based in Newcastle, is ‘the home of verbal feedback’. It allows teachers to give faster, evidenced and more meaningful feedback to students.

They can take snapshots of work, explain their thoughts and identify fragile learners to enable a more tailored feedback dialogue.

Vibbl is already used in 17 countries in primary, secondary, university and other education settings.

The benefits

Amplify student learning

Verbal feedback is more engaging for students and is easier to understand. Pair this with a better feedback strategy to help students achieve more.

The EEF found verbal feedback adds an additional 7 months of learning on average.

Use the speed of sound to reduce workload

Why are you still marking books? You can speak 7x faster than you can write and your students love hearing your voice too.

Using our ‘Group Feedback’ feature you can send evidenced group feedback to groups of your choice or even the whole class.

Echo feedback for learning

Easily share feedback with colleagues by linking accounts or blow up scanned work on your whiteboard to use Vibbl for modelling in the classroom.

Take collaboration and continuous professional development to the next level by assigning ‘Feedback Coaches’ to provide constructive feedback on feedback.