Culture Shift is a real-time reporting platform to identify and prevent harassment and bullying.

It is used by organisations including major universities, the Cabinet Office, EY and Amnesty International to activate lasting change by building a culture that is safe, happy and supportive for everyone.

The Culture Shift platform is already providing valuable support to 1.5 million people.

How do you address a problem that can’t be seen?

Incidents of harassment and bullying are taking place in organisations all over the world, impacting people’s wellbeing, happiness and confidence. Culture Shift was built to lead a positive change in organisational culture by giving organisations the insight to support their people and take proactive steps to tackle negative and harmful behaviours.

Culture Shift exists to lead a positive change in organisational culture. Our entire team of Culture Shifters share a strong belief that everyone should have a positive experience in their place of work and study.

Our online reporting platform gives organisations the insight they need to monitor and prevent bullying and harassment in educational institutions and workplaces.

The software allows users to report any incident safely and access further support – enabling organisations to take a proactive and preventative approach to protecting their culture.

There’s a long way to go to create the level of change we want to see in the world. We’re thinking big. But every positive step we take is a step towards a better future.

We have been at the forefront of campaigns to tackle harassment and bullying in organisations. Enabled vital short-term measures to be used to address patterns of negative behaviour before they could escalate. And provided rich data that has empowered leaders to implement long-term, preventative solutions to harassment and bullying.

We’re proud of these achievements. But we know there are many more people out there who need support and a way to speak out. We’re starting out on the road for change and it’s a journey we’re excited to be on.