Seventy seven per cent of disabled knowledge workers believe outdated tech in the workplace is limiting their work opportunities.
That is a result from new research conducted by multinational software company Citrix. The report suggests that nearly 73 per cent of IT decision makers agree with the opinion, despite 92 per cent confirming that the tech does exist to help.
Commissioned by Citrix and carried out by Censuswide, this research aimed to identify the current role of technology in opening up employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities and discover whether UK organisations are set up to successfully employ new talent from this potentially untapped workforce.
Its survey of 500 respondents, a mix of IT decision makers and disabled knowledge workers in large UK businesses
“Many IT departments are playing a pivotal role in improving workforce diversification by collaborating closely with HR and senior business leaders. Yet efforts to set aside budget and deploy the right technology do not go far enough. Businesses must follow through on their pledges and adapt workplace culture if they are to create an environment which enables a truly diverse workforce,” said Darren Fields, regional vice president, UK & Ireland, Citrix.
Close to a quarter of disabled knowledge workers, 27% per cent, and IT decision makers reported they strongly agree that the organisation they work for “talks a good game about diversity without really acting.”
Citrix said the results suggests that large UK organisations have an opportunity to improve their use of technology to support workforce diversity, or at least to better communicate how they are doing this to their workforce.