
Posted on September 12, 2017 by staff

Manchester to host Kickstarter crowdfunding breakfast


Kickstarter will take part in a breakfast event in Manchester hosted by Enterprise Europe Network North West and Nuuk Digital.

‘Your Best Chance to Success Through Crowdfunding on Kickstarter’ will be a hands-on seminar for innovative SMEs who are looking for investment.

It will help them understand what crowdfunding is and how it can help their business, how to efficiently run a crowdfunding campaign to reach their goals and it will also touch on the pitfalls, success and rewards of Kickstarter.

The interactive session will also feature a couple of North West SME case studies that have developed new and exciting products thanks to their Kickstarter campaigns.

Mymanu has developed the world’s first truly wireless earbuds with live translation and has raised over $500,000 in crowdfunding campaigns.

“We have seen many SMEs from the North West region who have been successful in crowdfunding and we want to spread the experience and knowledge to all the other innovative SMEs in the region,” said Rodolphe Soulard of EENW.

Manchester firm Nuuk Digital, who have helped raise over $15 million through crowdfunding campaigns, will offer a free workshop for all the attendees who already have a plan to go into crowdfunding so that they can reach their full potential.

Lina Gantar (pictured above, right, with fellow Nuuk co-founder Luka Cvikl), said: “We are thrilled that we are able to bring a Kickstarter representative to Manchester to share their best practices with the local community.

“Having worked with quite a few crowdfunding projects from the NW, we see a great potential for this type of financing for innovative companies in the region.”

The event will take place in the Northern Quarter on 28th September from 7.30-9:30am, with additional optional workshops from 10-11:30.

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