
A dating app which matches couples based on their personality type has raised £700k seed funding.  

So Syncd, based in London, was created by sisters Jessica and Louella Alderson. It uses a unique algorithm, based on Myers-Briggs personality types and compiled via a five-minute online test, to match people with a compatibility percentage. 

The start-up says the Myers-Briggs test has largely been used in the business world, including by 89% of Fortune 100 companies.  

Despite launching during the COVID-19 pandemicit has 60,000 users while more than three million messages have been sent through the app. It claims two couples are already married, with several more engaged. 

The funding, led by Upscalers investment club with participation from KM Capital, a US VC firm and several angel investors, is intended to grow its user base in the US.

“We’re delighted to welcome our new investors on our journey of building a better way to date,” said CEO Jessica Alderson, a former investment banker. 

“Technology has come such a long way over the past decade yet dating apps are still based on looks. So Syncd adds the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle: personality compatibility.” 

COO Louella added: “We have a perfectly even split of men and women which improves the experience for everyone. 

“We have a highly engaged user base. A match on our app is seven times more likely to result in a conversation compared to the industry average.”