
Posted on August 5, 2016 by staff

Dementia projects putting healthcare companies in Ctrl


BusinessCloud is counting down the technology which could save your life.

London-based Ctrl Group is involved in projects supporting dementia care and monitoring mental health.

A joint venture between Science Practice and Eclipse Experience formerly known as SP+EE, Ctrl Group’s team of designers, researchers, software developers and healthcare experts work with various providers and healthcare companies on new systems and tools.

Research is a significant part of the work of Ctrl Group: one project the team is currently involved with is the creation of a platform for running medical studies around dementia care on smartphones for Nesta’s Health Lab and the Department of Health.

The Dementia Citizens project aims to encourage those affected by the condition to take part in activities and research on apps to help improve care. The first two apps for the project are set to launch shortly.

In March, it was announced CTRL Group had partnered with AIM-listed cognitive assessment technologies group Cambridge Cognition to design and develop a range of products which will allow cognitive testing on wearable and smart devices to support users with mental health issues.

The data collected will allow healthcare professionals to detect risk factors earlier and help users to better understand their health.

There are many other firms changing the face of healthcare with technology.

The MyRecovery app provides patients with access to clinical information when required and invites them to take part in their own care following surgery.

Scottish start-up Snap40 has created a tool which can ensure healthcare staff can easily identify high-risk patients, both at home and in hospital, and allow them to take potentially life-saving action sooner rather than later.

Qardio produces a range of healthcare monitoring devices allowing users to monitor their heart, blood pressure and weight.

Heart disease, one of the biggest killers in the UK, can be detected using Alivecor’s smartphone system which takes a 30-second ECG reading.

One key area is ensuring that patients are taking the medicines they’re prescribed – which is where eLucid mHealth comes in.

Skin Analytics is a tool which aims to improve the survival rate for melanoma skin cancer by providing users with a low-cost way to identify moles which could be cancerous.

Florence is a telecom-based tech is looking to reduce hospital admissions and keep people in their homes for longer.

Dublin-based start-up Beats Medical helps to improve the lives of those with Parkinson’s disease.

And Eva Diagnostics is a company whose aim is to revolutionise blood tests so they can be analysed without a hospital laboratory – potentially improving the lives of people undergoing chemotherapy.

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