How AI experiments and digital projects are funded in the public sector will be overhauled and simplified to cut down waste in taxpayer funding.
The Government says that they will also be simplified to boost efficiency through innovation, and improve services for the public to deliver its Plan for Change.
The change will offer a route to simplify how the Government funds small AI projects and the replacement of outdated technology, after a review found that many digital projects face overly complex spending approval processes that can slow them down or prevent them from getting off the ground entirely.
Four new approaches to putting money behind innovation will be tested from April, including building on the GOV.UK Chat, the government’s experimental generative AI chatbot, to provide “staged funding” for innovation.
Projects will be incrementally supported through larger and larger tests if early trials show the potential to save money and improve public services for citizens.
There will also be a strong focus on developing new outcome metrics and evaluation plans for major digital projects, to ensure that these deliver value for money for the taxpayer.
The review aims to stop chunks of the public sector’s technology bill not delivering on intended outcomes for the public.
“Technology has immense potential to build public services that work for citizens. But a decades old process has encouraged short-sighted thinking and outdated tech, while stopping crucial innovation before it even gets going,” said Technology Secretary Peter Kyle.
“These changes we’re making ensure innovation is the default. We will help give AI innovators in Government the freedom they need to chase an exciting idea and build prototypes almost immediately.
“This review will help us build technology that will mean businesses can skip the admin and get on with driving growth, digital systems supporting the police are more reliable so they can keep our streets safe, and it will mean we can build new tools to speed up wait times for doctors’ appointments and get the NHS back on its feet are built.”
Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Darren Jones, added: “This Government is determined that digital transformation of the state and our public services will deliver better outcomes for people, and ensure every pound of taxpayers money is spent well.”